摘要: | ||
在东江中上游,以6年生造林树种木荷、红锥、火力楠、藜蒴、灰木莲和枫香为材料,采用LI-COR公司Li-6400光合作用测定系统对6种树种净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)等参数进行了观测,结果表明,8月,6种树种均表现较强的生活力,保持了较高的净光合速率与蒸腾速率,10月,6树种均通过降低光合、蒸腾和提高水分利用效率来适应逆境,8月平均Pn和Tr要比10月均值分别高71.86%和129.22%,10月WUE却要比8月均值高25.78%。6树种Pn、WUE的平均值高低排序,均表现为木荷>红锥、藜蒴和火力楠>枫香和灰木莲,说明木荷有强的环境适应能力和抗旱能力,其次为红锥、火力楠和藜蒴,而灰木莲和枫香较低。 | ||
关键词: 净光合速率; 蒸腾速率; 水分利用效率; 阔叶树种; 东江中上游 | ||
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基金项目:国家“十一五”科技支撑计划专题“粤港澳城市群水源涵养林构建技术试验示范(2006BAD03A1805)”;广东省科技计划项目“东江流域高效净水型水源林优化与配置技术研究与示范”(2009B020303006);广东省林业科技计划项目“广东省森林生态效益监测与定位研究”(2008-08)。 | ||
Comparison of photosynthetic and physiological Characteristics in six broad-leaved tree species | ||
Abstract: | ||
We measured net photosynthesis rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), and water use efficiency (WUE) of six-year-old Schima superba, Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurel, Castanopsis sfissa, Manglietia glauca and Liquidambar formosana using Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system manufactured by LI-COR company in the upper and middle reaches of Dongjiang watershed. The results showed that all six tree species performed well and maintained higher Pn and Tr under better hydrothermal conditions, when hydrothermal conditions were becoming worse, six tree species were able to adapte by reducing transpiration and increasing water use efficiency. There were large seasonal differences for these parameters, with higher net photosynthesis rate, and transpiration rate higher in August than in October (71.86 % and 129.22 % respectively), while WUE higher in October than in August (25.78 %). According to the value of mean net photosynthetic rates, mean water use efficiency, in both August and October, the order of the six tree species was Schima superba >Castanopsis hystrix, Castanopsis fissa, Michelia macclurei >Liquidambar formosana and Manglietia glauca. We conclude that Schima superba has higher adaptive capacity to dry environment, followed by Castanopsis hystrix, Michelia macclurei and Castanopsis fissa, and Liquidambar formosana and Manglietia glauc has lowest adaptivity. | ||
Key words: photosynthesis rate; transpiration rate; water use efficiency; broad-leaved tree species; the upper and middle reaches of Dongjiang watershed |